Artist Statement


Looking through the lens of my camera brings me to the present moment.  Whatever captured my 
eye initially gives way to the experience of NOW.   My world becomes what is right in front of me 
and I am drawn into a closer relationship with it.  It is simply a matter of pausing long enough to
take in what is already there, to breathe in its beauty, to accept the gift and to give thanks.  It is 
all cause for celebration.

Whether witnessing sunrise over Lake Superior, gazing into the exquisite face of a flower in my 
own backyard or hiking down a North Woods trail in the autumn, nature photography is a mindfulness 
practice for me.  It creates moments of peace and joy that nourish my spirit in the fast-flowing 
current of everyday Life. 

May these images inspire you to slow your pace and take in the beauty that is right where you are too.
Be open to receive the gifts so freely given to those of us who walk the Earth.

Shirley K. Doyle